Listen/Read Sermons Online

- 1/12/25 - He Began A Good Work, And He Will Finish It
- 1/19/25 - We Can't Lose
- 1/26/25 - A Life Worthy Of Christ
- 2/2/25 - Be Like Jesus
- 2/9/25 - God's Work in Us and Our Work in the World
- 2/16/25 - The Value of Faithful Friends
- 2/23/25 - Be Joyful, Beware, Be Hopeful
- 3/2/25 - Pressing to the Goal
- 3/9/25 - Christ Followers Par Excellence
- 3/16/25 - Common Ground Ministries
- 3/23/25 - God Will Take Care of You
Philippians: Living Out the Story of Jesus

- 6/2/24 - A Man After God's Own Heart
- 6/9/24 - Only A Boy Named David
- 6/16/24 - Grace Relations
- 6/23/24 - Closer Than A Brother
- 7/14/24 - The Sin of Significance
- 7/21/24 - Spoiler Alert
- 7/28/24 - The Prayer Life of David: From Shepherd to King
- 8/4/24 - A Story of David in Three Acts
- 8/11/24 - Unbridled Worship
- 8/25/24 - God Says "No" and That's Good
- 9/1/24 - Shame Buster
- 9/8/24 - Family Heartbreak
- 9/15/24 - The Greatest Grief
- 9/22/24 - Credit Where Credit Is Due
David: An Ordinary Man, An Extraordinary God

- 1/9/22 - Now Wait a Minute Lord!
- 1/16/22 - Now Wait a Minute Lord!, II
- 1/23/22 - Write This Down
- 1/30/22 - Yet I Will Rejoice In the Lord
- 2/6/22 - From the Oldest Profession to a New Profession of Faith
- 2/13/22 - In The Sound of A Low Whisper
- 2/20/22 - Create In Me A Clean Heart
- 2/27/22 - Follow Me
- 3/6/22 - From Saul to Paul
- 3/20/22 - Babbling On About Things Far Beyond Me
- 3/27/22 - Silver Pieces for a Sold Soul

- 7/5/20 - Called Out Ones
- 7/12/20 - Christ's Followers
- 7/19/20 - The Key to Wisdom Is Foolishness
- 7/26/20 - The Mind of Christ
- 8/2/20 - Agents of Peace
- 8/16/20 - Radical Faith
- 8/23/20 - One Foundation
- 9/6/20 - Stewards of God's People
- 9/13/20 - Baggage Handling
- 9/20/20 - Ill Fitting Suits
- 10/4/20 - A Healthy Meal
- 10/11/20 - You Are Not Your Own
- 10/18/20 - What About Marriage
- 10/25/20 - No Matter Where You Are Or What You Are, There Be A Christ Follower
- 11/8/20 - Adventure Not Agony
- 11/15/20 - Love Builds Up
- 11/22/20 - For The Purpose of the Gospel
- 1/10/21 - Stay Alert
- 1/17/21 - A Focused Life
- 1/24/21 - Reflecting Our Creator
- 1/31/21 - Gifted and Growing
- 2/7/21 - It All Comes Down To Love
- 2/14/21 - It All Comes Down to Love: The Necessary Ingredient
- 2/21/21 - Eagerly Desire the Gifts, BUT...
- 2/28/21 - A Fitting and Orderly Way
- 4/11/21 - It's A Wrap
Being the Church in Challenging Times

- 3/1/20 - Staying the Same is NOT an Option
- 3/8/20 - Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated
- 3/15/20 - Clothed With Power From On High
- 3/22/20 - Under Discipline
- 3/29/20 - Regifting
- 4/5/20 - Failing Forward
- 4/12/20 - Not Some Day, But Today!
- 4/19/20 - Not A Private Matter
- 4/26/20 - The Hope of Glory
Lent - Everything Necessary

- 1/13/19 - Of Dreams and Dysfunctions
- 1/28/19 - Adversity, Success, Adversity, Success
- 2/3/19 - The Wrong Place, the Right Time
- 2/10/19 - When Dreams Come True
- 2/24/19 - Poetic Justice
- 3/3/19 - Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?
- 3/10/19 - A Silver Cup and the Jig Is Up
- 3/24/19 - You Sold Me, But God Sent Me
- 3/31/19 - Signed, Sealed and Delivered

- 9/3/18 - Just One Gospel
- 9/10/18 - Impeccable Credentials
- 9/16/18 - Breaking Up Is So Very Hard To Do
- 10/7/18 - Living Life to the Fullest
- 10/15/18 - Bewitched or Believing
- 10/21/18 - Children of a Promise
- 10/28/18 - Free Indeed?
- 11/18/18 - True Freedom
- 11/25/18 - A Fruitful Harvest
- 1/6/19 - New Creations
Pure Gospel, No Additives

- 6/3/18 - Another Touch and a New Vision
- 6/17/18 - Running Into Trouble
- 6/24/18 - Creating, Not Criticizing
- 7/1/18 - The Call Is For You
- 7/8/18 - Properly Grounded
- 7/15/18 - Worthy to Worship
- 7/22/18 - Doing Life Together
- 7/29/18 - A Better Way in a Bitter World
- 8/6/18 - A Relevant Counter-Culture
- 8/26/18 - Being the Church in a Post-Church Age
Revival: Living the Gospel and Restoring the World

- 7/11/17 - Little Letters, BIG MESSAGE (Entire series to date)
- 7/16/17 - Just To Be Sure
- 7/24/17 - For the Love of God!
- 8/7/17 - Obedient Overcomers
- 8/20/17 - If We Ask Anything?!
- 9/10/17 - Walking In The Truth
- 9/17/17 - Great Faithfulness
- 10/1/17 - Strangers in a Strange Land
- 10/8/17 - Here's Hoping!
- 10/15/17 - So, What's the Difference?
- 10/29/17 - A Rock With a Role
- 11/12/17 - What Do They see When They Look At Me?
- 11/19/17 - God's Kinda People
- 11/26/17 - Well, Since You Asked
- 1/7/18 - An Attitude Fit for Altitude
- 1/14/18 - Leading To Believe
- 1/21/18 - The Right Stuff
- 1/28/18 - We Didn't Make This Up
- 2/4/18 - Know What You Believe
- 2/12/18 - People Get Ready